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Garbage Disposal Care

Garbage Disposal Care

At Superior Plumbing and Drain, we advocate for proper garbage disposal care to ensure its longevity and efficient functionality. A well-maintained disposal not only minimizes kitchen inconveniences but also prevents potential plumbing issues. Here’s a comprehensive guide on caring for your garbage disposal:

Regular Cleaning: 

Keep your disposal clean by regularly flushing it with cold water and dish soap. This helps remove residue and odor-causing buildup, maintaining a fresh and hygienic environment.

Avoid Hard Materials: 

Refrain from grinding hard materials like bones, fruit pits, shells, or coffee grounds. These can damage the disposal blades and cause blockages, impacting its efficiency.

Use Cold Water: 

Always run cold water while operating the disposal and for a few seconds afterward. Cold water helps solidify grease or oil, preventing them from sticking to the blades and pipes.

Avoid Overloading:

Feed small amounts of food waste into the disposal gradually to prevent overloading. Large quantities can strain the motor and lead to jams or clogs.

Citrus Peels for Freshness:

Grinding citrus peels (lemons, oranges, etc.) periodically helps eliminate odors and leaves behind a refreshing scent.

Ice Cubes and Baking Soda:

Ice cubes can help sharpen the disposal blades, while baking soda eliminates odors. Periodically grinding ice cubes and baking soda keeps the unit clean and fresh.

Use Properly:

Be mindful of what goes into the disposal. Starchy, stringy, or fibrous foods like pasta, celery, or onion skins can tangle the blades or create blockages.

Address Clogs Promptly:

If the disposal becomes jammed or clogged, avoid using chemical drain cleaners. Instead, use a disposal wrench or call a professional to troubleshoot the issue.

Regular Maintenance:

Schedule annual inspections by a professional plumber to ensure the disposal’s components are functioning correctly and to address any potential issues early.

Safety First:

Prioritize safety by never placing your hand or foreign objects down the disposal. Always disconnect the power source before attempting any maintenance. Safety first when attempting garbage disposal care.

In conclusion, by following these garbage disposal care tips, you can prolong the life and maintain a smoothly running kitchen. At Superior Plumbing and Drain, we’re dedicated to providing expert advice and assistance to keep your disposal and plumbing in optimal condition. Trust us for all your plumbing needs and enjoy a hassle-free kitchen experience!

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Las Vegas Plumbing Emergencies

Las Vegas Plumbing Emergencies

Unexpected Las Vegas plumbing emergencies can disrupt your daily routine. They cause stress which is why you need a crash course in Emergency Plumbing 101. Superior Plumbing and Drain understands the importance of being prepared to handle these sudden crises. Here’s a comprehensive guide to navigating emergency plumbing situations:

1. Shut Off the Water: 

In the event of a burst pipe, overflowing toilet, or any significant water leak, locate the main water shut-off valve and turn it off immediately. Knowing the location of this valve beforehand is crucial to prevent further water damage.

2. Assess the Situation: 

Evaluate the severity of the issue. For minor leaks or clogs, you may be able to contain the problem until professional help arrives. However, for major issues like a burst pipe, it’s essential to act swiftly.

3. Contact a Professional: 

Once the immediate threat is contained by shutting off the water, contact a licensed emergency plumber. Explain the situation clearly to ensure they understand the urgency and nature of the problem.

4. Temporarily Contain Leaks: 

Use temporary measures such as towels, buckets, or plumbing tape to contain minor leaks until the plumber arrives. However, avoid making permanent repairs if you’re not confident, as this might complicate professional repairs.

5. Address Clogged Drains: 

If faced with a clogged drain, refrain from using chemical drain cleaners. Instead, attempt to clear minor clogs using a plunger or a drain snake. For stubborn clogs or if unsure, wait for professional assistance.

6. Turn Off Appliances: 

If water is leaking near electrical appliances or outlets, turn off electricity to that area to prevent any risk of electrical shock. Safety should always be a priority in plumbing emergencies.

7. Keep a Plumbing Emergency Kit: 

Prepare a basic emergency kit containing a plunger, plumbing tape, a wrench, and the contact information of emergency plumbing services. This can be invaluable during unexpected situations.

8. Preventative Measures: 

Regularly maintain your plumbing system to prevent emergencies. Schedule annual inspections and address minor issues promptly to avoid larger problems in the future.

Superior Plumbing

Being equipped for Las Vegas plumbing emergencies and taking prompt action helps mitigate damage and inconvenience. Therefore, for any plumbing emergency, Superior Plumbing and Drain is here to provide swift, reliable assistance. Prepare, stay calm, and know that help is just a call away.

Categories Superior Plumbing & Drain

Your Las Vegas Plumber

your Las Vegas plumber

As your Las Vegas plumber, we are licensed and trusted throughout the valley. Hiring a licensed plumber comes with many advantages that ensure your plumbing needs are met with expertise and precision. Our professional knowledge and skills guarantee not just quality work but also compliance with safety standards, providing our homeowners peace of mind.

Hot Water Heaters

Hot water heater replacement is an area where we focus a lot of time and effort. The Superior team possess a comprehensive understanding of various water heater types, water capacities, and efficiency levels. This knowledge allows us to guide homeowners in selecting the ideal unit for their specific requirements. Whether it is a traditional tank-style heater or a tankless system, we find what’s right for you. Furthermore, our expertise ensures proper sizing and installation, which is crucial for optimal performance and longevity of the water heater. We also ensure compliance with local building codes and safety regulations during the installation process, minimizing the risk of accidents or malfunction. Although, if an issue arises, we are only one call away.


When it comes to toilet replacement, a licensed plumber offers invaluable insights. They can assess the plumbing system, recommend suitable toilet models based on your needs, and efficiently handle the installation. Their expertise ensures proper sealing, preventing leaks that could lead to water damage and mold issues. Moreover, a licensed plumber can address any underlying issues in the piping or connections, ensuring the new toilet integrates seamlessly with the existing plumbing system.


Aside from installation, licensed plumbers bring troubleshooting skills to the table. In the event of unexpected issues during replacement or installation, our technicians quickly diagnose and resolve problems, avoiding future complications.

Superior Plumbing & Drain

When you need a licensed plumber, call your Las Vegas plumber at Superior Plumbing & Drain. Our team is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. For questions or concerns about your plumbing needs, call our offices at (702) 478-9643

Categories Superior Plumbing & Drain

New Toilet Installation

New Toilet Installation

Hiring a professional plumber for a new toilet installation is beneficial for several compelling reasons. Firstly, our team of professional plumbers possess the expertise and experience necessary to ensure the installation is done correctly. We have a deep understanding of the plumbing system, which is crucial for a seamless toilet installation.

Why Hire A Plumber?

Our plumbers can accurately assess the specific requirements of your home’s plumbing system. They can determine the right toilet size and type that suits your needs. We take into account factors such as water pressure, drainage, and existing plumbing connections. This expertise ensures that the new toilet functions efficiently and effectively, minimizing the risk of leaks, clogs, or other plumbing issues in the future.

Additionally, the Superior plumbers are equipped with the proper tools and equipment to handle the installation safely. Our licensed plumbers are familiar with local building codes, ensuring the installation complies with all necessary standards.

Hiring our team of professional plumbers saves you time and effort. We can complete the installation quickly and efficiently, allowing you to focus on other important tasks. without the hassle of dealing with complex plumbing work. In case any issues arise during or after the installation, a professional plumber can promptly diagnose and fix the problem, providing you with peace of mind and saving you from potential headaches down the line.

In all, a professional plumber’s expertise, knowledge of plumbing systems, adherence to regulations, and ability to save you time and stress make them the best choice for installing a new toilet in your home. Our professional approach ensures a smooth and reliable installation, guaranteeing the optimal performance of your toilet for years to come.

Superior Plumbing & Drain

Family owned and locally operated, the Superior Plumbing Team is always here to help. Make one call for all your plumbing needs.

Categories Superior Plumbing & Drain

Vegas Water Conservation

water conservation

Even with recent rains, Vegas water conservation is still an important issue in the valley. With the city located in a desert region, it has limited water resources. Here are some ways that individuals and businesses can increase Las Vegas water conservation:

Install water-efficient fixtures: Replace old toilets, showerheads, and faucets with new, water-efficient models. These can help reduce water consumption and lower your utility bills.

Use drought-tolerant landscaping: Planting native, drought-tolerant plants can help reduce water consumption and save money on landscaping maintenance.

Fix leaks: Even small leaks can waste significant amounts of water over time. Check your pipes and faucets regularly for leaks and have them fixed promptly.

Use water wisely: Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth or shaving, and take shorter showers. These simple actions can save significant amounts of water over time.

Capture and reuse water: Collect rainwater in barrels and use it to water plants or clean outdoor areas. You can also reuse “gray water” from sources such as washing machines and dishwashers to water plants or flush toilets.

Choose water-efficient appliances: When buying new appliances, choose models with the Energy Star label, which indicates that they are designed to be water-efficient.

Know and follow watering restrictions: The Southern Nevada Water Authority sets watering restrictions to ensure that water is used efficiently. Be sure to know and follow the watering restrictions in your area.

By taking these simple steps, individuals and businesses in Las Vegas can help conserve water and contribute to a more sustainable future for the city.