Categories Superior Plumbing & Drain

Sewer Line Blockage

Sewer Line Obstructions

Sewer line blockage cause serious problems with toilets and general plumbing. One common obstruction is tree roots.  The roots grow in search of water and moisture while unknowingly breaching sewer lines. This breach causes an obstruction leading to slow water flow and clogged toilets.


In the harsh Las Vegas heat, trees and shrubs are commonly planted in residential and commercial landscaping. As a result of proximity to drain and sewer lines, growing plant life spreads its roots searching for a reliable water source. In drought or water restriction months, the roots will move towards moisture, which is the sewer line where water frequently flows. This is the prime area for water and a great place for roots to grow. As pipes age, small cracks occur causing leaks. These leaks attract roots and may lead to serious underground damage.

Obstruction Removal

When sewer line blockage occurs, a professional plumber is needed. For severe obstructions, the pipe is breached and major water begins to leak underground. When a tree root actually penetrates the pipe, it will continue to grow and destroy the pipe.

When pipes burst, our team of trained professionals arrives to dig up the pipe for a replacement. In some cases tree roots can be removed without a complete pipe replacement. Our team provides the options that are best for each situation.

Detecting Plumbing Issues

A rise is in the monthly water bill is the first indicator of a water leak. When standing water or wet asphalt can be seen on a regular basis, this is also a good indicator. With superior technology, our team identifies water leaks before they become a major issue.

Superior Plumbing & Drain

As a family owned and operated company, we’re members of the community too. That’s why we treat every customer just like family. So, call us at (702) 478-9643 for a free plumbing estimate.

Categories Superior Plumbing & Drain

Cleaning A Shower Head

Cleaning A Shower Head

Cleaning a shower head doesn’t take much time if you have the proper items. If you are seeing your shower head getting discolored or having water flow issues, it’s be time for a good cleaning. Using harsh chemicals damages fixtures and harmful to humans and pets. When deciding on a substitute, think about vinegar.

As an effective cleaner, vinegar is safe for you and your family. When used properly it’s a powerful tool in your cleaning arsenal. An additional benefit, vinegar is very inexpensive when compared to those harsh household cleaners. You can buy vinegar by the gallon at the local store for a fraction of the price of chemical cleaners.

NOTE: The type of finish on your shower head and connections will determine if vinegar can be used. Please know the materials before using vinegar to clean. Test a small, inconspicuous area with a cotton swab and let sit for 30 minutes before using on larger areas. You can find out more info on vinegar cleaning products here: Vinegar Cleaning Products

Cleaning a Shower Head

After confirming your shower fixtures and shower head can withstand the vinegar cleaning, it’s time to get started. Here are a few things you may want to use:

  • Distilled white vinegar
  • Bucket or solid base container
  • Cleaning rags
  • Old toothbrush
  • Paperclip
  • Pliers or wrench

When removing the shower head, place a protective cover, like a rag, over the connected showers surface. Then use the wrench to turn the fixture and remove the shower head.

Once removed, place the shower head into the bucket to catch any debris that falls off during the process. Use the vinegar and the toothbrush to remove mineral deposits. Rinse the fixture under running water until clean.

When clean, replace the shower head and test to ensure the connection is tight and there are no water leaks. Pro Tip: use plumber’s tape when replacing the fixture to get a tight connection.

When undertaking any DIY project, conduct proper research prior to starting. If you have any questions, call Superior Plumbing & Drain at (702) 478-9643.

Categories Superior Plumbing & Drain

Drain Maintenance In Las Vegas

Drain Maintenance in Las Vegas

Drain maintenance in Las Vegas can be tricky because of the hard water. Mineral build up can cause drain clogs as easily as putting unwanted items in the drain. When on a job, we always provide the benefit of the doubt before inspecting a drain. Below are a few tips on what not to put down the drain.

Please Don’t Put These In The Drain

A few items we should never put down the drain are eggshells, coffee grounds, fruit rinds, vegetable stalks and medications. While it may seem like the place to put them, the drain doesn’t always take kindly to these items. When placed in there repeatedly, not only does a drain clog occur, sometimes there is a gas build up leading to odor coming from the drain.

Medications should never be flushed down the toilet or placed in the drain. Once flushed, they go directly into the water supply. The EPA (environmental protection agency) has a way to dispose of unwanted or expired medications, Click here for details

Keeping A Drain Clean

When a drain does have an odor or you have cleared a clogged drain, it’s a good idea to clean the drain thoroughly. This can be done by using the hottest water possible to loosen up debris and build up. We also recommend a little bit of baking soda followed by a bit of vinegar. Cleaning the drain regularly with these simple tips will help keep the water flowing all year long.

Superior Plumbing & Drain

We are a family owned and operated company serving Las Vegas homes and businesses. As a licensed and bonded plumber, you can be assured we’ll get your water systems working properly. As your neighbor we treat everyone like family. Call about drain maintenance in Las Vegas where our trained team provides free plumbing estimates at (702) 478-9643.