Categories Superior Plumbing & Drain

New Toilet Installation

New Toilet Installation

Hiring a professional plumber for a new toilet installation is beneficial for several compelling reasons. Firstly, our team of professional plumbers possess the expertise and experience necessary to ensure the installation is done correctly. We have a deep understanding of the plumbing system, which is crucial for a seamless toilet installation.

Why Hire A Plumber?

Our plumbers can accurately assess the specific requirements of your home’s plumbing system. They can determine the right toilet size and type that suits your needs. We take into account factors such as water pressure, drainage, and existing plumbing connections. This expertise ensures that the new toilet functions efficiently and effectively, minimizing the risk of leaks, clogs, or other plumbing issues in the future.

Additionally, the Superior plumbers are equipped with the proper tools and equipment to handle the installation safely. Our licensed plumbers are familiar with local building codes, ensuring the installation complies with all necessary standards.

Hiring our team of professional plumbers saves you time and effort. We can complete the installation quickly and efficiently, allowing you to focus on other important tasks. without the hassle of dealing with complex plumbing work. In case any issues arise during or after the installation, a professional plumber can promptly diagnose and fix the problem, providing you with peace of mind and saving you from potential headaches down the line.

In all, a professional plumber’s expertise, knowledge of plumbing systems, adherence to regulations, and ability to save you time and stress make them the best choice for installing a new toilet in your home. Our professional approach ensures a smooth and reliable installation, guaranteeing the optimal performance of your toilet for years to come.

Superior Plumbing & Drain

Family owned and locally operated, the Superior Plumbing Team is always here to help. Make one call for all your plumbing needs.

Categories Superior Plumbing & Drain

Vegas Water Conservation

water conservation

Even with recent rains, Vegas water conservation is still an important issue in the valley. With the city located in a desert region, it has limited water resources. Here are some ways that individuals and businesses can increase Las Vegas water conservation:

Install water-efficient fixtures: Replace old toilets, showerheads, and faucets with new, water-efficient models. These can help reduce water consumption and lower your utility bills.

Use drought-tolerant landscaping: Planting native, drought-tolerant plants can help reduce water consumption and save money on landscaping maintenance.

Fix leaks: Even small leaks can waste significant amounts of water over time. Check your pipes and faucets regularly for leaks and have them fixed promptly.

Use water wisely: Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth or shaving, and take shorter showers. These simple actions can save significant amounts of water over time.

Capture and reuse water: Collect rainwater in barrels and use it to water plants or clean outdoor areas. You can also reuse “gray water” from sources such as washing machines and dishwashers to water plants or flush toilets.

Choose water-efficient appliances: When buying new appliances, choose models with the Energy Star label, which indicates that they are designed to be water-efficient.

Know and follow watering restrictions: The Southern Nevada Water Authority sets watering restrictions to ensure that water is used efficiently. Be sure to know and follow the watering restrictions in your area.

By taking these simple steps, individuals and businesses in Las Vegas can help conserve water and contribute to a more sustainable future for the city.

Categories Superior Plumbing & Drain

Tank or Tankless Water Heater

tankless water heater

Choosing between a tank or tankless water heater is a common question we get from customers. While they both have benefits, the tank (generally about 40 gallons in a residential home) is the main difference. Without having to store the water, a tankless water heater operates with hot water on demand. Using a heat exchanger, the water runs through and is immediately heated before coming out of the faucet.

The Benefits of Tank Water Heaters

In a tank water heater, the entire volume of water is stored in the tank and consistently heated. As water is used, the water is replaced and heated. Two of the main benefits are the up-front costs and higher tolerance for usage across multiple faucets or showers. Tank water heaters are also simpler to operate and repair, as noted from customer feedback. Although cost, is the number one reason customer prefer the tank.

The Benefits of Tankless Water Heaters

With tankless water heaters, they are generally more energy efficient due to their on-demand nature. Water is only heated as it passes through the heat exchanger. Along with saving space, the longevity of a tankless heater is another benefit. Our customers site “endless hot water” as another benefit. Even though the hot water supply is not endless, it appears that way when used by fewer outlets at one time. Customers enjoy the ease and convenience of the tankless water heater when they are installed on a wall that is out of the way as well.

Superior Plumbing & Drain

We are a full-service residential plumber based in Henderson, NV serving the entire Las Vegas valley. Our company runs a full fleet of work trucks along with employing only experienced and certified technicians. We’re on call seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day and with more than thirty years experience, there is no jog too big for our team of plumbing experts. Call for your tank or tankless water heater installation.

Categories Superior Plumbing & Drain

Winterizing Outdoor Pipes

Winterizing Outdoor Pipes

Winterizing outdoor pipes saves money in the long run.  Be sure to follow these Superior Plumbing & Drain tips:

  1. Insulate pipes with insulation sleeves, wrapping or using slip-on foam pipe insulation. Don’t leave any gaps without insulation as cold air can affect the pipe in these spaces. Plastic piping is more tolerant than old copper or steel water pipes. Winterizing outdoor pipes now helps.
  2. Inspect the exterior of the property, making sure that all visible cracks are sealed. Cold air can enter through the cracks and, once inside, it will cause your pipe to freeze. If visible cracks are noticed, seal them using caulking or spray foam to fill the voids.
  3. Maintain a heating source inside the building to protect pipes against cold.
  4. It is a good idea to maintain a faucet dripping, allowing the water to move freely and continuously, preventing it from freezing.
  5. Make sure the crawl space is properly insulated. Block all vents that lead to the outside using cardboard or wood.
  6. Don’t forget the hose bibs. Hose bibs are normally left unattended, causing them to burst in the middle of the night. Drain hose bibs and insulate with covers. Once this has been completed, deactivate bibs at the shutoff valve.
  7. Use heat tape to protect pipes from freezing. Heat tape is one of the preferred methods for winterizing plumbing, but be aware that these might bring additional hazards. The U.S. CPSC has provided safety recommendations for homeowners using heat tapes to help prevent fires.

Superior Plumbing & Drain

We’ve been servicing Las Vegas for many years and we see pipes burst all the time. Be sure to follow these steps and save yourself some money along the way.

If you need emergency plumbing services, please call us at (702) 468-9743. Our technicians are on call twenty-four, seven to serve you. For all plumbing issues, call Superior Plumbing & Drain.

Categories Superior Plumbing & Drain

Water Conservation

Water Conservation - Lake Mead

Water conservation is more important than ever in Las Vegas. As of August of 2021, Lake Mead was only filled to 35% of its capacity and with lower than normal snow falls in the Rocky Mountains, there I no end in sight for the drought conditions.

The Summer of 1999 was the last time the lake was at or near capacity. As noted by https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/ the article states: “For the 2022 water year, which begins October 1, Mexico will receive 80,000 fewer acre-feet, approximately 5 percent of the country’s annual allotment and Nevada’s take will be cut by: 21,000 acre-feet (about 7 percent of the state’s annual apportionment). The biggest cuts will come to Arizona, which will receive 512,000 fewer acre-feet, approximately 18 percent of the state’s annual apportionment and 8 percent of the state’s total water use (for agriculture and human consumption). An acre-foot is enough water to supply one to two households a year.”

For the full article, click here

Superior Plumbing & Drain

As a family owned and operated company, we’re members of the community too. That’s why we treat every customer just like family. Call us at (702) 478-9643 for a free plumbing estimate.

Please consider water conservation by following local and state guidelines.